Green Building Principles

Maine Grown Timber- Local forests and Local work

Timber frames use large timbers which in themselves sequester a great deal of carbon. This carbon will stay safely out of the atmosphere for the life of your building while also creating your space. The minimal milling and hand cutting of joinery saves on more energy intensive processes. Our timbers come from small local mills which keeps the Maine economy going and limits the transport miles.

Solar Power

Our shop got solar panels in Summer of 2022.

Superior Insulation- Warmth and savings for you and the environment

Sructural Insulated Panels (SIPs) provide excellent insulation and can save on heating costs. They are constructed from foam between two layers of the OSB plywood. The company we prefer to work with is local to New England also keeping our transport miles as low as we can. SIPs eliminate thermal bridging in your walls which keeps more of your heat in the building. The entire building will be exceptionally well sealed to keep your temperature inside cozy and consistent. They also construct quickly once we get the frame and up the panels on the site making your project move right along.