Our Process

Every Project starts with your ideas and goals for your building.

Our initial design will give you an idea on pricing and time frame. We can refine and perfect your plans from there.

We are currently available for new construction, restoration and remodeling.

One advantage of Timber Framing is that a large part of the initial work, cutting the frame, happens off site at our workshop. This gives plenty of time for foundation and other site prep work to happen while we move forward on your project. Once both frame and foundation are complete the excitement of raising begins. We hire the crane and assemble your frame. A small frame might be just a day or two of crane work, larger frames, of course, require more.

If you are going to route of SIPs then those go up after a layer of roof boarding. These can take as little as a few days, then you will have an enclosed building ready for finishing. We are able and eager to finish frames that we put up within a reasonable drive of our shop in Woolwich.

“You built me the barn of my dreams.”

— Chris W.